1. 配置文件 config.json
"gas": "0x76c0",
"gasPrice": "0x9184e72a000",
2. 合约部署 | ctool deploy
./ctool deploy
-abi abi json file path (must)
-code wasm file path (must)
-config config path (optional)
e.g: ./ctool deploy -abi "D:\\resource\\temp\\contractc.cpp.abi.json" -code "D:\\resource\\temp\\contractc.wasm"
3. 合约调用
3.1 普通调用 | ctool invoke
./ctool invoke
-addr contract address (must)
-func functon name and param (must)
-abi abi json file path (must)
-type transaction type ,default 2 (optional)
e.g: ./ctool invoke -addr "0xFC43e7f481b9d3F75CcfFc8D23eAC522E96dE570" -func "transfer("a",b,c) " -abi "D:\\resource\\temp\\contractc.cpp.abi.json" -type
3.2 合约名称调用 | ctool cnsInvoke
./ctool cnsInvoke
-cns contract name (must)
-func functon name and param (must)
-abi abi json file path (must)
-type transaction type ,default 2 (optional)
-config config path (optional)
e.g: ./ctool cnsInvoke --cns "test" -func "transfer("a",b,c) " -abi "D:\\resource\\temp\\contractc.cpp.abi.json"
4. 转账 | ctool sendTransaction
./ctool sendTransaction
-from msg sender (must)
-to msg acceptor (must)
-value transfer value (must)
-config config path (optional)
e.g: ./ctool transfer --from "0xb239401ecf8427f17c6de134d6a6bddd3100251f" --to "0X123" --value "10"
5. 交易回执查询 | ctool getTxReceipt
./ctool getTxReceipt
-hash txhash (must)
-config config path (optional)
e.g: ./ctool getTxReceipt -hash <transaction_hash> -config "../config.json"
6. 防火墙操作 | ctool fwInvoke
./ctool fwInvoke
-addr contract address (must)
-func functon name and param (must)
-config config path (optional)
# 开启防火墙
e.g: ./ctool fwInvoke --addr "0xacda4dfbbd6d093cf7e348abb33296d9aeb0f23c" --func '__sys_FwOpen()' --config "../config.json"